Sunday, March 29, 2020

Observational Systems Discussion

The choice of the method of how different behaviors may be observed and categorized is considered to be one of the most difficult decisions that have to be made by a professional psychologist.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Observational Systems Discussion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Flanagan (2005) admits that such difficulty is caused because get used to think about human behavior as something continuous and seamless instead of consider it as a particular system of behavioral components. As a rule, observations have to be conducted in the early stages of an assessment process and remain to be informal in order to see how a child behaves in an ordinary environment without some disturbing factors (Weiner, Freedheim, Graham, 2003). Unfortunately, it is not always possible to choose the most appropriate and easiest methods of observations, this is why the psychologists try to consider their opportunities and knowledge and define the behavioral peculiarities before the observational process. Current discussion offers two examples of a behavior: one is conducive for continuous measurement (a child with ADHD that can be easily distracted and cannot focus on one task for a long period of time), and another is conducive for sampling procedures (several children attend a concert with a teacher and demonstrate different reactions before, during, and after the event). The first example is focused on a child, who suffers from ADHD and cannot meet the expectations of his parents and teachers. On the one hand, it is easy to involve a child in different activities within a short period of time and prove the urgency of the chosen activity.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More On the other hand, it is hard to explain how and why it is necessary to behave and follow the rules. To observe the peculiarities of the child’s behavior, it is necessary to become a participant in a class and avoid the cases of reactivity as the child should demonstrate his true intentions. If an observer comes for the first time, the child may be disturbed by this fact and does not show his true behavior and reactions. This is why it is necessary to get the child used to a person and his/her presence. As soon as the observer is a regular visitor, it is possible to record and analyze this kind of behavior. The second example deals with a group of children, who visit a concert with their teacher in order to get additional information and impression on a subject. As this group is the adolescent students, they can easily record their behavior independently and share their own emotions before, during, and after the event. The description of the event should take place at first to provide the psychologist with a solid background about the event and students’ expectations. Then, students may share the ir own thoughts and suggestions about the concert, its role in their educational process, and its overall effects. Such observational system may be regarded as unreliable as it is based on students’ emotions and attitudes only, still, it may be considerably improved if a psychologist uses another method (event-sampling observation) insensibly and visit the same concert anonymously in order to study the duration, frequency, and intensity of the behavior (Ostrov Hart, 2013). In this case, the chosen observational system will be effective and all-rounded. Students demonstrate different types of behavior: some of them follow attentively each piece of the concert, some of them are easily disturbed by a variety of surrounding factors, and some of them do not demonstrate any kind of emotion due to their neglect to the event. Their own records will serve as the best explanations of their behaviors. Reference List Flanagan, C. (2005). Research methods for AQA ‘A’ psychol ogy. Cheltenham, UK: Nelson Thornes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Observational Systems Discussion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ostrov, J.M. Hart, E.J. (2013). Observational methods. In T.D. Little (Ed.) The Oxford handbook of quantitative methods, volume 1 (pp. 285-303). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Weiner, I.B., Freedheim, D.K., Graham, J.R. (2003). Handbook of psychology, assessment psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons. This essay on Observational Systems Discussion was written and submitted by user Ayaan Bruce to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Building a Health Care System for the 21st Century essays

Building a Health Care System for the 21st Century essays This research paper will present literature in review on critically assessing the main arguments of the heated debate on the publicly versus privately financed health care system in Canada. Indeed a lot of contention has been raised in the last few years over the subject of so called "two-tier" healthcare. Although, universal healthcare is very cherished in Canada, there is a growing sentiment that introducing a private system will alleviate the burden on the public system. An important part of this essay will assess the central arguments epitomized by the protagonists of the two-tiers system, specifically in the Framework for Reform, Report of the Premiers Advisory Council on Health, 2002 A particular focus will be assessing the rationale of the pro-public funding because it is consonant with the core of the main central arguments. The current discourse on a possible introduction of a two-tiers health care system represents one of the most dangerous social projects since it would substantially erode the very fabric of the Canadian society, Canadian identity and the Canadian traditional values. One of the central argument of the protagonists of the two-tiers system is based on assumption that the system is no longer financially viable and requires a massive financial injection, which cannot be provided by the federal government and is uneasy to increase the funding to the provinces. However there is a merit in this argument. Overall provincial/territorial government expenditures on health have increased substantially over the past two decades, from about $11 billion in 1977/78 to almost $56 billion in 10 years.1 Furthermore, it is expected that the national spending will exceed $100 billion per year in 2012.2 The situation is indeed alarming in respect to the drug costs, which are expected to grow substantially over the next decade. Across the country, drug costs are expected to rise from $4 billion today to ...